Whatever it was, the sound turned out to be the local equivalent of the English ice-cream van announcing the availability of flakes and ice-lollies, except that in bErdotelek/b they don't sell ice-cream, they sell candyfloss and kürtös kalács (right). ... So next time you are wished unseasoned greetings, take a peek outside to see if some tatty red bestate/b car with a megaphone sticky-taped to the bonnet is doing the rounds... could be worth it (how's your Magyarul?) ...
hevesi se érkeztek (6): bakos krisztián (tenk), horváth zsolt (berdőtelek/b), keskeny attila (verpelét), mezei attila (tarnaméra), ötvös zoltán, tóth józsef (mindkettő vécs). távoztak (4): farkas lászló, farkas oszkár, farkas rudolf, b.../b